Emergence by Ellie Beals


Emergence is a great summer read –   a  psychological thriller that is touching, fast, fun, and fear-inducing.  Many readers have commented on how visual or cinematic it is.  Why not up the fun by making your reading (or re-reading) more active, by casting all the major characters?  Submit your suggested cast (any individuals living or dead, that most people will recognize, like actors,  other performers, or politicians), and you will be entered in a raffle for a $50 Amazon gift card.  Submissions will be accepted through August 15th, and the most frequent suggestion for each character, plus the winner of the giveaway will be announced on August 25th.  Have fun! Cast Away!

Emergence by Ellie Beals

To connect with Ellie Beals (other than for the Casting Call & Giveaway), please use the contact form below: