Guest Blog Post – Becoming Extraordinary
A Sort of Well-Behaved Minor Character
In my books I usually have one minor character who insists on playing a larger role in the story. I’m always curious as to whether other authors experience this, so I asked Ellie Beals if she had such a character in her novel, Emergence? And if she didn’t, I wanted to know how she got the characters in her head to behave so well!
Here is her fascinating answer.
I have been a chronic over-planner and over-preparer all my life. I waited an obscenely long time to start work on a novel, because I so dreaded what I anticipated to be the long and grueling planning process required before I could actually WRITE. And then one day, I said: What if? What if I don’t do that? What if I just sit down and start writing?
And that’s what I did. My plan at the outset was this simple: I knew that: